135 N. Old Woodward Ave., Suite 200, Birmingham, Michigan, 48009


Coping with the loss of a loved one is the most complex challenges we all face. Each of us deals with loss differently and the grieving and healing process is unique to each one of us. Perhaps the person who passed away was a spouse, someone from our immediate family, or a close friend, no two grief experiences will be the same. People may feel sad and depressed for more extended periods or be fine for a while, and then the mourning sets in. As time passes, the sadness may diminish but may not completely disappear, sort of like a scar on your wrist… at first it is fresh, then it fades, but the memory is always there.  Coping strategies can help people overcome grief and sadness positively as well as more healthily. Heart and Mind Counseling Therapists in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Michigan can help you with this process.

Following are just a few coping strategies to overcome grief and sadness so that one can get their life back on track.

Share your Feelings

Staying in an isolated state can make you feel more depressed. Talking to your friends and family can help you ease the burden of a loss and subsequent grief. Sharing your thoughts and emotions with someone you trust can slowly make you feel lighter and help you come out of the grief period. If you begin to feel like it is difficult talking to your family and friends because it seems like you are repeating the same story over and over again, reach out to us at Heart and Mind Counseling (707) 815-0374 for a consultation on how we can help you through this process.

Engage in Physical Activity

Every person has different ways to cope with their grief and emotions. Many people find regular exercise and other physical activities to be beneficial in that process and can help regulate your mood, preventing from going into a low phase that may trigger depression and sadness. Something as simple as a walk in nature can shift your mood positively and make you feel “lighter.”

Keep a Journal

Writing your thoughts and emotions in a journal can be an effective way to cope with the feelings of loss. The journal helps you process your grief and emotions and helps maintain a record of the ongoing journey throughout the suffering. Also, the journal provides you with a “safe” platform to process your jumbled thoughts and help make meaning of your emotions. Bringing your journal to your therapy sessions at Heart and Mind Counseling is also a very effective tool for your grieving process and highly recommended.

Do Things You Enjoy the Most

When you live with a perpetual depressed mood, you may lose interest in what you loved to do in the past. But, to overcome the grief, keep yourself engaged with things that you enjoy the most, even if it’s difficult to get yourself motivated to start. It will almost always help you feel better and slowly get you back to doing the things you did before the loss of a loved one. We at Heart and Mind Counseling also encourage you to try new things as well, and we can discuss this process during your sessions.

Seek Professional Assistance

Sometimes, recovering from grief becomes problematic when it starts severely impacting your everyday life. If you feel that these remedies are not helpful enough, it is better to seek Grief counseling in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Michigan, to help you. In the secure space of a therapist’s office or through telehealth, Grief Counseling can help you channel your emotions into something productive.  In an open and safe environment, a therapist can suggest other coping strategies to help you through the difficult times. On the other side, you will come out happier, healthier, and ready to continue life’s journey with a positive outlook.

Get Ahold of Your Life Again with Heart and Mind Counseling

So, if you are finding it difficult to break through the grief after the loss of a loved one, and these five simple techniques are not working as well as you had hoped, seek professional Grief therapy in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Michigan from Heart and Mind Counseling. Overcoming grief and loss can be difficult, but we can help you get over the grief to live a healthy life free from sadness and depression. So, let us join you and help in your recovery journey with our guidance and counseling. We will work with you to honor the memory of your loved one, while you move forward to joy and happiness in your life beyond the time spent with this special person.

Call us or email (links below) for a free 20-minute consultation.

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